1913 (3-0)
1915 (2-0)
1917 (5-1)
1919 (8-0)
1924 (7-1)
1925 (9-6)
1926 (11-1)
1947 (9-3-1)
1948 (16-3)
Front Row: Jim Luch, Pete Polovina, Querino Lelli, Ron Fraley, Nick Tsangeous, Paul Williams, Bob Stratton, Joe Mickey, and Lawerence Thompson.
Back Row: Carl Meyers (Manager), Eugene Fillipone, Doug Bell, Marvin Washington, Dick Ellis, Don Billham, Geno Lelli, and Ray Hicks (Manager).
1949 (12-5)
Front Row: Geno Lelli, Tom Mitchell, Dick Ellis, Joe D'Dominica, Nick Tsangeous, Ron Fraley, Marvin Washington, Eugene Fillipone, Ted Rogers, and Dale Anderson.
Back Row: Dave Cowan (Manager), Perry Jeter, Marty Dumbola, Chuck Ellis, Reed Jewett, Larry Jeter, Hank Ensell, Bob DiCioccio, Ralph Pierro, and Carl Meyers (Manager).
1950 (11-4)
Front Row: Tom Mitchell, Mary Dumbola, Eugene Fillipone, Chuck Ellis, Robert DiCioccio, Reed Jewett, and Ross Barrett.
Middle Row: Ralph Pierro, Don Pratley, Bill Ross, Geno Lolli, Sonny Haverfield, Larry Jeter, and Ted Rogers.
Back Row: Dave Cowan, Bud Wickham, Clyde Archer, Clarance Davis, Perry Jeter, Carl Meyers, Bill Thompson, Dale Anderson, and Head Coach Ang Vaccaro.
1951 (16-3)
Front Row: Kenny Baker (Manager), Chuck Ellis, Marty Dumbola, Tom Mitchell (Captain), Larry Jeter, and Joe Jackson.
Middle Row: Carl Meyers (Manager), Bill Ross, Ralph Pierro, Bob DiCioccio, Perry Jeter, Vic Edenburgh, and Barclay Warren.
Back Row: Sonny Haverfield, Frank Gilliam, Carl Fiora, Dick Lodge, Terry McFadden,
1952 (12-4)
1954 (17-5)
1955 (16-5)
Front Row: Frank DeStefano, Nick Faccinto, Bob Crawford, Bill Fulton, Chuck Fulton, Ralph Porter, Ronnie Anderson, Leo Domanico, John Starr, and Paul Edwards.
Middle Row: Melvin Giannamore, Arnold Jeter, Bob McIntyre, Allen Starr, Dewey Walters, Hank Cox, Mike Nodianos, John Meyers, and Carl Bell.
Back Row: Don Gilkey, Norman Frazee, Saundro Janutola, Lawrin Giannamore, Don Toothman, Dave Coleman, Milan Moncilovich, Dave Murray, Ken Becker, Bob Riban, Durant Campbell, Bob Walton, Ron Callander, James Scurry, and Wayne Owens.
1957 (9-5-1)
1958 (16-5-1)
1959 (18-5)
Front Row: Ray Poole (Manager), Pete Barren (Captain), Gary Giammarco, Tom Sobolewski, Tom DiFalco, Buzzy Sinclair, Dorhman Sinclair, Ed Smith, Ronald Rath, Jack Gray, Coach Chuck Watt.
Middle Row: Dick Kamerer (Manager), Ted Garber, John Anderson, Ed Weinman, Terry Trimmer, Sandy Williams, Dixie Dudukovich, Dave Hutter, John Horchick, Dewy Visnick, and Coach Rudy Hudec.
Back Row: Lionel Booker (Manager), John Urling, Jeff Walton, Dave Ohle, Woody Hill, Jim Stewart, Dick Montgomery, Kenny Lonson, Stan Zamano, Bob Pearce, Neil Shaw, Darryl Farmer, Chuck Wheir, and Head Coach Ang Vaccaro.
1960 (20-6-1)
1961 (14-3)
1962 (14-6)
Front Row: Ron DeVono, Chick Phillips, Harry Wilson, Ken Lawson, Chuck Weiher, Harry Archer, and Dick Mongomery.
Back Row: Head Coach Rudy Hudec, Bill Fellows, John Herchak, Bill Cusak, Herb Lindsey, Bob McCosky, David Brown, Joe DiLoreti, Jim Moyers, Tip Wood, and Assistant Coach Joe Mickey.
1963 (13-5)
Front Row: Ron DeVono, Harry Wilson, Jim Moyers, Ray Terry, Dave Brown, Matt Phillips, Bill Cusack, and Dale Poole (Manager).
Back Row: Head Coach Rudy Hudec, Bob McCosky, Bob Baker, Joe DiLoreti, Terry Cowser, Harry Reynolds, Mark Albert, and Terry Wood.
1964 (14-5)
Front Row: Paul Endich (Manager), Dave Beale, Rich Mahfood, John Stroud, Joe DiLoreti, Bob McCosky, Ray Carter, Jack Ohle, Albert Checca, Ron Spahn, and Melvin Cohen (Manager).
Back Row: Head Coach Rudy Hudec, Terry Cowser, Harry Reynolds, Larry Danley, Bob Cuthbert, Milt O'Meary, Mark Alberts, Clarance Williams, Rade Milosevich, Al Alberts, Jim Taylor, and Frank Garofalo.
1965 (13-11)
Front Row: A. Checca, B. Ellis, L. Sesto, A. Alberts, J. Spon, D. Rish, R. Mahfood, and G. Colson.
Back Row: H. Reynolds, L. Danley, C. Williams, M. Alberts, J. Taylor, R. Geistwhite, J. Stroud, R. Carter, and T. Cowser.
1966 (8-12-1)
Front Row: Bob Fellows, Albert Checca, Scott Wise, Steve Cocumelli, Dave Rogeski, Bill Kerr, Dave Corsi, and Joe Vucjak.
Back Row: Bob Ellis, Tony Manfred, Larry Sesto, Jim Smith, Jim Taylor, Larry Pickford, Jim McCosky, Sam Radakovich, Pat Vaccaro, and Richard Schumaker.
1967 (16-7-1)
Front Row: D. Madama, C. Archangel, B. Fellows, P. Vaccaro, D. Corsi, D. Rogoski, S. Cocumelli, B Rust, B. Kerr, S. Wise, and B. Myers.
Back Row: D. Fontaine, W. Rybalt, C. Misselwitz, M. Mavromatis, J. McCosky, T. Manfred, J. Smith, L. Pickford, R. Styles, M. Driscoll, S. Radakovich, R. Andrews, and R. Centofanti.
1971 (18-12-1)
Front Row: James Swearengen, Rocky Taylor, Rick Spencer, Mark Stacy, Tom Thomas, Jeff Bell, Ira Jarvis, Ralph Crew, and Coach Dave Murray.
Back Row: Head Coach Chuck Watt, Bruce Peterson, Steve Malbasa, Bill Pickford, James Scheible, Jack Gaylord, Mike Walker, Stacy Morrow, and Coach Eugene Babicz.
1972 (22-11)
Front Row: Glen Rohrey, Richard Bentley, Andy Bryan, Randy Ralston, Vic Porreca, Rick Spencer, and Mark Stacy.
Middle Row: Rocky Taylor, John Stojack, James Swearengen, Rick Medich, John Edgar, Duke Ribar, and Greg Repella.
Back Row: Head Coach Chuck Watt, Mike Turrentine, Stacy Morrow, Bob Cook, Jeff Bell, Coug Jarvis, Ben Medley, Ira Jarvis, and Charles Cowser.
1973 (24-3)
Front Row: M. Stacy, C. Cowser, J. Edgar, R. Medich, B. Rohrey, V. Porreca, J. Stojak, R. Spencer, K. O'Brien (Manager).
Back Row: B. Cook, M. Turrentine, B. Medley, S. Morrow, C. Swearingin, D. Jarvis, R. Ralston, and R. Taylor.
1974 (19-14)
Front Row: B. Williams, J. Williams, M. Yocum, E. Hicks, R. Teaff, V. Porecca, B. Barrett, F. Heatherington, L. Kocher, and C. Cowser.
Back Row: D. Medich, G. Rohrey, D. Jarvis, B. Medley, R. Ralston, M. Turrentine, J. Edgar, R. Bently, and C. Klein.
1975 (26-4)
Front Row: Clarance Creech, Ed Hicks, Jerome Williams, Jeff Grey, Lee Kocher, Larry Whetstone, and Scott Lesiak (Manager).
Back Row: Pete Morrow, Chuck Cowser, Mike Everhart, Chuck Dougherty, Doug Jarvis, Butch Rohrey, Fred Heatherington, and Vic Porveca.
1976 (23-10)
Front Row: S. Lesiak (Manager), L. Whetstone, B. Chester, J. DeFrank, P. Meronoff, and L. Kocher.
Middle Row: E. Hicks, F. Heatherington, T. Creech, K. Peterson, M. Yocum, J. Bressler, and J. Maltese.
Back Row: Coach Dickey, R. Kline, B. Brown, B. Porter, H. Fleishour, M. Everhart, C. Doughtery, S. Michalak, Coach Hustead, and Head Coach Jake Hollowood.
1977 (21-9)
Front Row: J.R. Corsi, Larry Yocum, Chris Morrow, Larry Whetstone, Bobby Chester, Tim Cutri, and Ben Morrow.
Middle Row: Brian Bell, Ed Hicks, Mark Yocum, Jim DeFrank, Ron Kline, Bob Porter, Paul Meronoff, and Mark Walker.
Back Row: Head Coach Jake Hollowood, John Maltese, Pete Morrow, Steve Michalaic, Mike Everhart, Bill Mason, Brad Watson, Chuck Dougherty, Ken Peterson, and Coach Kevin Dickey.
1979 (14-13)
Front Row: John DiCarlo, Chris Morrow, Rick Crosier, J.R. Corsi, and Bob Chester.
Middle Row: Billy Anderson, Jim Maus, David Iachini, Billy Mason, Craig Klein, and Randy Thompson.
Back Row: Coach Dave Brown, Brian Davis, Roger Robinson, Mark Walker, John Winger, Ben Morrow, and Head Coach Jake Hollowood.
1980 (13-11)
Front Row: C. Coss, M. Fleishour, J.R. Corsi, D. Williams, B. Beattie, and J. DiCarlo.
Middle Row: Head Coach Jake Hollowood, P. Stewart, V. DiMichele, T. Maus, B. Morrow, J. Winger, and M. Walker.
Back Row: Coach Brown, R. James, J. Petrelle, B. Rohrey, R. Thompson, T. Gardner, B. Mason.
1981 (16-10)
1983 (13-7)
1984 (19-6)
Front Row: Chris Blackburn, Royal Mayo, Bill Murray, Jim Wilson, and Dave Clark.
Middle Row: Joe Biasi, Gary Sinclair, Jason Jenkins, Howard Harvey, Curtis Herring, John Prayso, and Dyanne Lewis (Stats).
Back Row: Head Coach Steve Romey, Matt Morrison, Steve Nodianos, Remo Stirpe, Dave Murray, and ?.
1985 (19-7)
Front Row: Garrett Jenkins, Niles Herring, Curtis Herring, Royal Mayo, Jimmy "Mack" Wilson, and Jake Stringer.
Middle Row: Charles Jankowski, Bill Murray, Fred Jones, Jason Jenkins, Nate Dorsey, and Chris Blackburn.
Back Row: Head Coach John Heacock, Matt Morrison, Steve Nodianos, Steve Hood, John Sullivan, and Coach Morrison.
1988 (19-7)
Front Row: Dunyasha "Tubbo" Yetts, Paris Settles, Cody Pyle, Jim Petrides, Greg Bell, Billy Watson, Darin Virag, and Lawrence Carter.
Back Row: Head Coach Tony D'Aurora, Coach Joe Corsi, Jerry Pyle, Rob Kloska, Garrett Jenkins, John Haynes, Shawn McAllister, Niles Herring, and Coach Morrison.
1989 (15-11)
Front Row: Darin Virag, Anthony Reda, Ray Palmer, J.J. Bainbridge (Batboy), Mike Jones, Dunyasha "Tubbo" Yetts, and Bubba Donnelly.
Back Row: Brandon Mayo, Jim Petrides, Cody Pyle, Chuck Hython, George Vudrogovic, Paris Settles, Lawerence Carter, and Russell Gory.
1990 (12-8)
Front Row: Batboys Lee and J.J. Bainbridge.
Middle Row: Anthony Reda, Pete Basil, John, Quent Thorton, Rob Fayak, Mike Jones, George Vudrogrovic, and Paul Bowman.
Back Row: Russell Gory, Larry Carrocci, Cody Pyle, Ryan Nalepa, Lawrence Carter, Brandon Mayo, and Ramon Birden.
2008 (22-7)
2009 (12-12)
Front Row: Angelo Iachini, Jordan Meyer, Anthony Pierro, Joe Pierro, David Anderson, and Dominic Garay.
Back Row: Asst. Coach Justin Banks, Mitch Bainbridge, T.J. DeChristopher, Caleb Westlake, Head Coach Fred Heatherington, Jordan Banks, Jordan McIntyre, Darin Heatherington, Joven Pilutti, and Asst. Coach Jo Pierro.
2010 (20-8)
Front Row: Jordan Mavromatis, Mitch Bainbridge, Lucas McClurg, Josh Mamula, Joe Garay, and Jo Jo Pierro.
Back Row: Dom Garay, Caleb Westlake, Jordan Banks, T.J. DeChristopher, Joven Pilutti, Anthony Pierro, Jordon Meyer, and Darin Heatherington.
2011 (21-2)
Front Row: Jordan Mavromatis, Dominic Garay, Lucas McClurg, Tyler McGee, Joe Pierro, Mike Camilletti, Mike Nodianos, and Joe Garay.
Back Row: Coach Justin Banks, Coach Joe Pierro, Matt Petrella, Josh Mamula, Jordon Meyer, Anthony Pierro, Ryan Vojvodich, Ty Casto, Darin Heatherington, and Head Coach Fred Heatherington.
2012 (16-9)
2013 (17-9)
2014 (23-5)
2015 (24-6)
2016 (25-3)
2017 (28-5)